Monday, December 13, 2010

The car guard

So for my hint today I have a little observation that I want to share with you and then you can take it from that.

A lot of days I step out of the office and go to a nearby shopping centre and take 30 minutes to reflect on my day so far and to be taking a break from the office generally makes me feel good. Except for every time feeling obliged to pay the car guard between 2-5 Rand and him not really watching anyone’s car at all. So most of the time I don’t tip them as I don’t leave my car so he needn't watch it. But yesterday there was a guard who once I got out my car greeted me with energy and walked up and down when ever he saw anyone politely greeted them and he had this high energy about him. Spending about 30 minutes at the shop each day I notice a lot of people do not tip the guards, except this guy he gets cooldrinks from the shoppers, some food and everyone tips him.

So what am I getting at plain and simple little bit of proof showing you that your attitude towards any job will ultimately define your outcome if you don’t really want to do it or do it just for the sake of doing it you will be like the other 99% of the car guards in the parking lot where the patrons feel they are grudged to pay and try and get out of it as much as possible where as if you have the right attitude and an energy in what you do you will see the people will actually pay more and be happy to pay like I was I hope this helps you in any way.

Now go out and make a day of it change your attitude towards your next job and see the difference in the outcome.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Time to get cracking with no excuses

Hello My motivational peoples I have been very busy lately and do apologise for my long missing stroke well here I am I am back I hope you all had a good time. I am glad to be back so for today I want to tell you all that I had a bit of a slump the last two weeks that I had to get through. You know me I get down easily but I also get up so easily. So what I have discovered is the simplest thing we always forget to look at we push through all the workings and happenings of what needs to be done and not to be done and forget the biggest thing we get sidetracked easily.

So what is the thing we need to look at. Focus, everywhere we get these hints and we just seem to miss it Concentrate & focus and program yourself with self discipline. Once you have done that you will have no issues in completing. What ever you wish to do. So Discipline yourself and make a success of you life I will post some more things as much as possible watch this space

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Getting the Money

Why are we suffering from not getting money (or enough) in we work our "arses" off and nope just enough to cover the basic WHY?

Let me tell you why because that is what we expect and in ourselves we beleive thta in a way its not good making easy money it must be hardwork and long hours. Its not it ;s doing what you love , well and getting paid for it and generously. So go change your mind you are gonna make a mountainful of cash and you know what well done if you do theres nothing wrong with making money or getting paid at all. and its time we start accepting that today!.

Friday, October 22, 2010

A short little piece for today

Well peeps its been a hard yet successfull week and it has come to an end for now so go out and rest well as for later on it will be time to start pushing harder and harder and if you can even some more so go out and get it done !!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

My Motivational peeps

On A high, I must say I started physically training again and closing my goals off one by one and man what a euphoric feeling. It’s like I’m growing in stature and building my mind like I am building my body back up to what it was intended to be. So enough with how I feel. My tip for today is very plain and it comes from all the feel good preachers and success icons, Very simply Expect the best out of every situation yes expect it! It does however have a little twist if you are to expect the best you will have to give the best as well but if you want to be the best you have to be the best and on your journey you will get the best all the way. So go out and be the best like only you can. . .

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Our Attitude will rule our outcomes

Hello my enthusiastic friends how are you all doing, I must admit I got a bit down again for some time but back up now. You know what happens we as people just fall back to our old attitudes so easily. If we just tried to focus on not being negative and not giving into our negatives. So for today a little short asking pleading you to stay positive knowledge and experience aren’t much if you don’t have a winning attitude. So let’s all go and win

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Run with it

Ever had an idea and just didnt puit in enough effort to ever see it through I have developed the wonderous new skill of seing everything in a mostly positive light and I hear and see so many awesome ideas that never gets done or completed or even reach it's full potential because we get sidetracked lazy what ever, so my little tip for today is to get running with it take it by the horns and cure it Keep working at your dreams with relentless pace. . .

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Keep at it without fail

Hello Motivated people of the world sorry for not posting in a while I have been off a bit from an operation I had last week Monday and haven’t posted since so during this last exciting week I have had a few happenings and met a few new people which I always enjoy but I have also been on the down again as you know my goal in life is to get as much as possible out of it and share that with my kids and family so for that obviously you would need a lot of monies to ensure that you do as much as possible so I know I get negative too soon if I want my Business to reach a certain goal and it doesn’t reach it in two weeks I get horrified and start thinking up new ideas and businesses to start doing as that isn’t working but maybe and I know I should listen to my own advice give it more time sometimes we are in such a hurry for things that we completely miss our selves so for today my motivating little piece is to say

Don’t be haste for you will receive what you have worked in and that will be worth waiting for (i.e. if you have put enough good effort in you will receive the same)

Monday, June 7, 2010

Excel today with a positive thought in your head

Every day I go to bed and think man tomorrow is going to be a great day the first few it days the next day wasn’t always such a great day built as time marched on the days started getting better and better to such an extent that I think everyday holds the best little happenings and most entertaining sections of my life. Just by being slightly more positive and taking everything that happens with the idea of a challenge my days are more rewarding to myself I feel that my days are successes and don’t look back at the year anymore and say what a waste of time Try it and really program yourself to feel and endure it and then you’ll see the day will be great if you believe it is great.

Friday, May 28, 2010


People I am tired for the last two weeks I have been working a 10 hour day going home enjoying my family for 4 or 5 hours and then working again for another 4 hours it’s burning in my brain. but I have a dream and even though I get tired and my head hurts I will do whatever my mind tells me to do to get to my end destination and man that will be the destination of pride and joy and increased self worth. We are so trapped in the slaves of stress and tiredness that we forget why we are doing things I have a dream and no matter what they say or scream I will reach my dream through excellence and vigor I will be the wiser and opportunity the smarter. Go out there and reach for dreams stop dreaming and go for it.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Just keep at it

You all know that some days I have good motion and some days like today I just frustrate myself and get down and negative, So tonight I just wanted to roll over and rot. But I decided to start slightly working and see where I end up and guess what I actually feel amazing it feels like I am moving on again and from just doing what I am supposed to do and that is keep working at my dreams and goals so even when you get down do what you do and no matter what it feels like in the beginning halfway through you’ll feel better I do so just keep at it. . .

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I will strive on and reach further than ever before as that is what I was meant to do

So hello my motivation peeps I hope you are all keeping well I had my accident last week as you all can remember and today this afternoon I started to get the worst back ache ever I hope it isn’t back lash from the accident as I am back on the bike already doing work and home in no time. Even though I have now full blown flu I will push on, I had to stop my exercise plans as it could affect my recovery but in my head I push forward to more So my previous piece of motivation in this case slightly altered is as follow

Don’t just let life get to you take from it in a positive light and move on even though my body is really sore and my head hurts I will not let it stop me I will carry on reaching for my goals as it not only reflect my drive I have gained but add to my experience in pushing onwards Pushing harder as it gets tougher.

So I hope that somewhat makes sense I am slightly medicated as we speak and wish you all an awesome week check in again and let’s get the money wheel rolling and drive our desires forward day by day job by job

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Live with passion

So my successful peeps my motivation for today is simple but if you apply it with content it can change your life forever. In whatever you do, do it with conviction give it your all and you will see how it will not just be a good job but it will make you feel better knowing that you have done all to the point where it is a success.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Drive yourself on

I try and be as successful as possible without getting down that much anymore so how do you stay driving on so to say to get to a level where you are successful well as all the people say a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. I prefer to not walk that far and make my goals and mini successes a lot smaller so begin your journey today of 100 steps and 10 sessions of 100 steps end up in 1000 steps in any way but what I have to admit which I found what was really making the turnaround in my life so far was deciding what I wanted (AND DOCUMENTING IT) and then trying out an action plan of getting there. The only reason I am not where I want to be is because I haven’t done enough don’t give life credit for something you could or could not have accomplished

Well that comes out weird but I hope I at least gave you some inside into driving yourself on the “Studied way”.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Geared Up

My People I am not just geared up I am idling at 10 000 RPM’s just waiting to explode on 500% percent of enthusiasm I am changing my life because I decided to so what is the hint or tip for today if you want something or need change or need to get somewhere decide to whatever it takes to get there and do it. How easy is that doesn’t matter what it takes I will do it

Friday, April 16, 2010


A moment of silence for everyone caught in the quake or volcanoes in the world our hearts go out to you

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Remember the past

Hey Guys I have been down but that was bad, So I am relishing the fact that I am still here and I have but one tip that was with me while I was going through a super dark space yesterday Relive the past and live out yourself so to yet become whole again and let the scars be forgotten in yourself. Take ownership of your grief and take ownership of your regret take it all and get it out thus you will be better and stronger Well at least I think so Worked for me man