Monday, December 14, 2009

I am driven by my Burning need for success

Today its cold (in Summer) and the world is against me again, So I try and focus with some headaches in my mind already that needs to be solved on a personal and professional level some days I really think why do I even bother. People all over think of nothing but themselves but we all know that so what I say to myself in these situations when my heart is so angered with the unnecessary anguish that those close to you cause you without any consideration for your own personal dilemmas or dislikes.

Well I keep my head somewhat held high I fight for success my success what I perceive to be success in my own mind the type of success I grew up to believe if you achieved these things you can consider yourself successful. I am sure we all have an implanted idea of what success is to you so I have this burning desire to reach that level and no one in my life can take that away from me ever and if I ever reach it I made it and no one can lay claim to any goal I have ever reached. So remember whatever the situation “They can take anything from you But they can never touch your Heart or steal your mind” so be strong and make your dreams come true

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Go man Go

So I haven’t posted in a long long time and trying to get the juices flowing with no prevail but like I mentioned in previous post : Ain’t nothing to it but to do it so I am doing it again and will keep it up let the lazy dog of depression and mental suffering lie alone and let’s get cracking so my enthusiasm for today is “ Life is short so you better hurry up and do it otherwise you will die without reaching any dreams “ and that for me is a depressing thought on its own.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


So for long I have been very down and onlyone thing kept me going if you want to reach anything worth reaching you need to do everything in your power to reach that state and that is how you need to be no matter what the stumbling block no matter what the problem everything in your power (And thats alot) and see what you accomplish in no time. . .

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Today I see no light

So sorry to be so negative today but I just cant seem to see the light at the end of today I am tired and strung out and without a doubt not ready to go out.

In our culture we have a silly little belief that if a bird drops his load on you yuo are very lucky and soemthing good will happen to you so in my depressions defence at least a little birdy pooped on my cap over the weekend lets hope some light will come from that

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Hard Times

So guys I havent posted in a while just because I had nothing like I said I struggle sometimes and the last week or so was the worst time ever I have a lotta internal things that I generally cope with on daily basis but some times it just gets too much to write anything positive I go into robo mode doing what is nessesary and further brain dead But I am back today I have nothing but I will build momentum as the day continues check in again tomorrow I should have something by then I hope

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Its My birthday

So as you know it is my birtday today and this is a very sad day for me as another year past and I havent accomplished anything great yet I will continue to try but the harsh reality of failure for another year sort off gets to me Maybe I shouldnt be so hard on myself But I am so I have no inspiring words to say today except that "in defeat you need to learn a lesson and continue as the game is not finished yet" even though I am really struggling today.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A little hint from the movies

As you know I have three kids and one movie that they watch over and over that really gave me something to chew on was Finding nemo if it gets tough but you really want to get there remember what Dorry ( The blue fish ) said " Just keep swimming just keep swimming" so just keep swimming and youll get further than you ever thaught

Monday, September 7, 2009

Never Give UP

So After some hectic times and loads of financial struggles and things. Coming close to giving up crawling back into a little hole and never be seen or heard from again rotting away in my own feces. But I decided, I will not be silenced by life I will not be put down by any systems any cosmic happenings nothing will drag me down ever again. Now that is a bold statement, but maybe we give up to early and miss opportunities which only comes round once in a while so No matter how hard and how long, whatever I want I will get and that should maybe be our motto for tody I WILL GET WHAT I WANT be Spoilt life spoiled me enough and now its time to be spoilt think of all the sucess we will get if we dont let anything takes us away from what we need

Get Motivated

So Hello guys I know Ive been gone a While all my kids were sick and in hospital so excuse the delay but I had not had time but I'm buck and my only words today is "Stay Focused" so easily we loose focus and loose out

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I am on fire

So you guys now how down and morbid one can get but today I feal empowered and I need to share the words of the day with you "I will be the best" and if that is your mentality I dont think we need to say more so go out and be the best I know I can and you know you can so what the hell is our issues

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Hello Motivated peeps

My last post Iwas pretty down not much has change except me being called a few shitty names by some people and having to deal with it etc.. well I deal with things like that very well but after some thaught (and yes I can think LOL) I came to the conclusion that you must actually use bad attention to your own self improvement and prove others so wrong they must be envious so no quote for today but a hint "if they try and put you down let them cause when you suceed your going to drown them" so lets drown our non beleiver friends families and foes in our success. . .To the Future

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Hectic daze

So today I am down more than normally, the whole thing is that I am doing almost all possible and my life just doesnt seem to go anywhere. Financially we are not OK physically I work so much I never have time to train anymore and mentally I destroy myself daily so all this just spirals me downard all the way to a dark place. but I have one thing In life and that is my body improvement to refocus my thaughts and forget about the world. so buck up and be a man is all I can do and then I must just say "So I take this neglect and worldy regret put in my stomach and build onward to an unseen future an unknown wellness I will acheive with great dignity I raize my head and thus behold my past now face my Future and success will be my future past every day in every way. " So I let my mind go positive and think of green luscious grass and clear skies and just maybe positive reinforcement will clear the day

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Today is the day

So guys sorry for the long holiday I took I had some other project I had to work on will let you know when you can go check it out for today I have to use a band I used to listen too when I was younger very intriguing stuff well it all comes down to each word TODAY IS THE DAY so lets say it all together now , powerful isn’t it well at least I think so .

Monday, August 3, 2009

Special Motivation today

Only two words guys "KICK IT" Yeah

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Getting through injury

I train alot and Have to push myself out of it alot so what advise or motivation do I have for you in that case it is simnple "You want it no matter what so you ll have to do no matter what or how bad" Sounds good I have to say.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Find your Beat

So in all my depression I have a little thing to maybe help it is derived from an old dance track so I reinterpreted it as follows "Dance to your own beat" and to further it we can also say and "take over your Street"

Monday, July 13, 2009


So today as I was thinking of my training I have planned for the next week and all that I need to still do I thaught Intensity is quite a subject to go the more intensity you add to your workouts the better the results you musnt overshoot either but todays tip is "Intensify your efforts to intensify your reward" I like it

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Welcome back

Sorry for the long delay guys but life happened I was so busy and I still are but I have to make time for all my friends so here we go for today I say one thing

"Be Who you are and you will suffice"

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


So you need some drive man well how about another tip? "Listen to good advice but always follow your own dreams" your heart might be wrong but your dreams is your dlight live it and you should be motivated and happy

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Being good or being the best

So motivated people over the world its time to kick up a gear I have been dawdling on my own self for far too long now and Decided that it is definitely time to kick up a gear so for today I want you to stand up put your hand on your chest and shout out as loud as you can “ I am better than what I am now I know it and I’m going to be even better and I am the best” Do it three or four time say it out loud or softly whatever makes you happy but don’t just say it mean it you are the best and make sure you stay that way keep pushing yourself OK..

Sunday, June 14, 2009

What ?

Sorry for not posting in a while I have a lot of Stuff to deal with and it is affecting more than just my blogging guys sorry but will get back to normal soon well for today I have two words to say

Keep Motivated

Well for what its worth

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

In illness and in health

So my whole family is ill my three sons (One baby in hospital) and my wife and I, so there must be some motivation for us I am almost dry but here we go

When things get sticky, stick to it and prevail your own inner greatness

Wow well things should be returning to normal at the end of the week so keep checking in man

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

To the future

Hello Guys so today on FB (that’s Face Book) I had a friend who felt her past was dragging her down now it can be bad ex Druggie ex thief , whatever but I do believe that one’s past does make you what you are today and if your are clear on who you are you will reach whatever you try and accomplish so for you my tip or quote is

“Face your inner fears and excel into the future for without your past your future is not so clear”

Friday, May 29, 2009

Hard day

Today I have to say for motivation it is a very hard day to do anything motivational today but here goes

Focus on your dream and never give in for you shall forever regret it if you failed

Harsh but true

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Motivate me please

So I need to motivate anyone, I am no motivator I am actually a personal de-motivator by heart but what do I do I think of the thing I want the most (Not have ) Want the most that’s going to be a mission to get hold of and I start building on that

“Take your dreams and use it against your mind to empower your soul to fire up the pistons and excel”

Get your arse of the floor and get motiv8ted