Thursday, March 11, 2010

Remember the past

Hey Guys I have been down but that was bad, So I am relishing the fact that I am still here and I have but one tip that was with me while I was going through a super dark space yesterday Relive the past and live out yourself so to yet become whole again and let the scars be forgotten in yourself. Take ownership of your grief and take ownership of your regret take it all and get it out thus you will be better and stronger Well at least I think so Worked for me man

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A bad day for motivationals

Today feels like I am drowning in my own depression nothing is working nothing is resulting I can’t see the light at the end of the mysterious dark tunnel I don’t know what keeps me going is the air I breathe mentally I am burned out physically I am strung out and I am aware of nothing here. Let’s hope it gets better so my tip would be for today not to give up hope I am on the brink of giving up but my small pure part in my heart says the sun is up don’t give in nor up

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Swimming Upstream

So I like doing things hard making myself stronger so for today let me say this going the hard way ,makes you Stronger its like training for life so Don't be afraid to take on anything with the known fact in mind that it might be hard and might be hurtful but at least you have done it

You can do anything no matter how hard or difficult you can I can every one can they just need to put their minds to it.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Bloodshed and no fears

So once you start pushing hard your days will get easier as you keep pushing you will get stronger and stronger so push some harder and harder until one day you have moved a mountain in your favor. Sound easy maybe because it is.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I hope you are all motivated I am

So my motivated friends you must have been wondering why I am not motivating that much this time. Well I have started my own little design company So now that it has started, I am/will hopefully have some time to get back to my motivating ways. Below is a link to my website go and have a look and let me know what you think great and see you on the training side very soon again.