Today I have to say for motivation it is a very hard day to do anything motivational today but here goes
Focus on your dream and never give in for you shall forever regret it if you failed
Harsh but true
Today I have to say for motivation it is a very hard day to do anything motivational today but here goes
Focus on your dream and never give in for you shall forever regret it if you failed
Harsh but true
So I need to motivate anyone, I am no motivator I am actually a personal de-motivator by heart but what do I do I think of the thing I want the most (Not have ) Want the most that’s going to be a mission to get hold of and I start building on that
“Take your dreams and use it against your mind to empower your soul to fire up the pistons and excel”
My life is peachy isn’t yours, I struggle from immense depression and negative being at almost a constant in time So the writing help lift the load but some things you just cant share it has to stay inside so what do I do I draw and relate it to something else like subliminal message or something its a far cry from any help but it works for me Staying motivated is one of my biggest battles I face on a daily basis so what can you say. No matter how down or negative I get I keep on telling myself it will be OK and I think that is a motto to go by if you know then you know
I will always be good no matter what
I have been working very hard the last few days doing 12 hours of working straight 6-6 But I leave at 5:20 for work and get back home at about 19:30-20:00 so I have some advice on how to do this and be better at it
I do everything for myself might be for someone else’s favor but I will keep experience inside of me, That’s why my work is always of my best quality as I wouldn’t except anything else for the experience.
Cool so that is a good thing to remember when you are working on any project for any one
So with all this pain in foot (I had an ingrown toe removal operation thingy done) I feel quite useless hoping along wherever I go and then My strained hand hurts today so today I feel weak and I need a motto to get me going again.
Let me see
Pain is an amputation of ambition don’t let it scar your dreams but rather use it as a deserved rest to regroup and reassemble you attack and come out of it not only stronger but with more drive than ever before
That seems like a good motto for today I think it is worthy of posting keep well cool and let’s see tomorrows motivation.