Hello Peeps So I thought that I will give you some positive reinforcement from my side to try and see how we can get you more energized, I remember I always used to be tired. Whilst taking into consideration that I have been working late my whole life and training very hard for a bigger body and my private enterprise building whist still working a full day job has not been easy. I have to admit I have started working a lot smarter and working a lot more in less time (Yes I read the book) but things really started turning for me when I started thinking of dreams making plans and setting goals to achieve before I was always just pondering on from one pay check to the next. .
So what has changed the first thing that changed was my mind-set towards the world and money of course. It is not yet 100% right but I constantly work on myself and improving myself to my best abilities don’t you do the same?
I realised my dreams and realised (this sounds silly) that nothing will happen if I don’t happen first so I worked out what I want and realised even more so that what I require. And so the changed happened I am working very hard lately in pursuit of my dreams but it doesn’t bother me as I do have a passion for what I do and enjoy every minute on the route . So Back to the energy as soon as you start living your dreams and getting connected with your passion you start having (I call it Supernatural) energy. But apart from that let me give you some of the guru’ tips on how to make sure you have more energy.
So the first is a very simple and well known fact most of them are actually we just never stopped to think about it and its outcome.
So eat right and eat healthy, I’m no dietician but if you eat like a pro you’ll feel like a pro take it from the extremes a huge bodybuilder eats what 8 – 12 times a day to keep his energy sustained so if you are doing 3-6 meals healthy food a day I am sure you will feel the energy.
So the next step is just as basic as can be, Watch your weight, it is an unfortunate fact that a person who is at his optimum weight will obviously perform optimally, Now this is a difficult one I am little overweight I work on it but it’s hard to say no to all the nice things. But lately I decide that it will feel better to lose the belly than to eat the chocolate or excess steak or whatever’s your vice. Good luck for this one I also cheat it some times.
Well at least there’s no shock here, face it we are lazy beans and exercise makes us crinch but you know what after I have done a proper training session I feel like a million bucks and that works for me try it a couple of times and you’ll start missing it.
So now who would have thought that you needed rest, Well its sad to say but you do, and you need quite a bit of it I get away with 5 hours sleep a day but would definitely promote going for 7-8 to be safe and full of energy.
My Last tip is the easiest
So if you have a good attitude you will notice how your days will get shorter you will get more done you will sleep better and life will become a blast try it (I must say this changed my life) Having the right attitude is like drinking from the fountain of youth try it at all times.
So I hope these few tips will help you get more energy to do what you need to do and get on track to you glory enjoy. . .
If you wish to read up more on energy from the guru’s have a look at Some of the resources available here. . .
http://bit.ly/dPI40b, http://bit.ly/fON1HV