Monday, December 13, 2010

The car guard

So for my hint today I have a little observation that I want to share with you and then you can take it from that.

A lot of days I step out of the office and go to a nearby shopping centre and take 30 minutes to reflect on my day so far and to be taking a break from the office generally makes me feel good. Except for every time feeling obliged to pay the car guard between 2-5 Rand and him not really watching anyone’s car at all. So most of the time I don’t tip them as I don’t leave my car so he needn't watch it. But yesterday there was a guard who once I got out my car greeted me with energy and walked up and down when ever he saw anyone politely greeted them and he had this high energy about him. Spending about 30 minutes at the shop each day I notice a lot of people do not tip the guards, except this guy he gets cooldrinks from the shoppers, some food and everyone tips him.

So what am I getting at plain and simple little bit of proof showing you that your attitude towards any job will ultimately define your outcome if you don’t really want to do it or do it just for the sake of doing it you will be like the other 99% of the car guards in the parking lot where the patrons feel they are grudged to pay and try and get out of it as much as possible where as if you have the right attitude and an energy in what you do you will see the people will actually pay more and be happy to pay like I was I hope this helps you in any way.

Now go out and make a day of it change your attitude towards your next job and see the difference in the outcome.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Time to get cracking with no excuses

Hello My motivational peoples I have been very busy lately and do apologise for my long missing stroke well here I am I am back I hope you all had a good time. I am glad to be back so for today I want to tell you all that I had a bit of a slump the last two weeks that I had to get through. You know me I get down easily but I also get up so easily. So what I have discovered is the simplest thing we always forget to look at we push through all the workings and happenings of what needs to be done and not to be done and forget the biggest thing we get sidetracked easily.

So what is the thing we need to look at. Focus, everywhere we get these hints and we just seem to miss it Concentrate & focus and program yourself with self discipline. Once you have done that you will have no issues in completing. What ever you wish to do. So Discipline yourself and make a success of you life I will post some more things as much as possible watch this space