Wednesday, April 6, 2016

A new take on the inner happy!

There is two concepts that I have been dealing with the past few days that brought upon me a new understanding and a new enlightened thought.

We always hear about setting goals; believing in your destiny; keep moving towards your goals; be positive look for the good in everything; blah blah, the list goes on and on. And yes I believe those things but; I get down too, I get lonely, I get sad, hell I get severely depressed at times. 

So the past while I’ve been struggling with myself as per usual, self-sabotaging me lowering my standards, blame my expectations and list goes on! Even though I have luckily been trained by repeat and fail that being positive is the best way forward but forward where? I always get stuck at forward where? Trust me I have some serious goals, I have good work ethic when I’m not fighting myself. But overall I consider myself relatively well rounded. And yet still I have all these questions in myself.

I would come up with little mantra’s like you can do this, keep pushing on you’re going to make it! And so on and at times this doesn’t even help. Then I look back and remember why I started looking back to see forward! And that helps a bit. But tonight I came to an understanding something I have more and more of as time goes on it seems. 

It’s not just merely a fact of knowing where you’re going and having all these dreams and goals and destinies and processes of improvement but rather a choice, the choice to choose a better outcome the choice that we don’t control what happens tomorrow we actually have very little input in what happens apart from studying and working hard we don’t control much but we have the choice to keep moving forward for better, not just merely to become something else a better person or more financially free but to actually make our lives better. We have no control over what happens tomorrow but the decisions we make about today can ultimately shape the way of the things happening tomorrow!

If you let something negative impact you negatively and you keep dwelling and asking about it your going to miss the opportunities that lies ahead of you, you might not see the life lesson, you might not take a moment to meet your next best friend, you might miss a chance to change someone’s life for the better.
We must tread very cautiously yet confidently in the path of being our best as we are each moment, I am not saying that you shouldn’t push yourself and just be happen and kind not at all. I am merely repeating the few words that made me realize how important every moment really is.

Every moment spent being angry or sad or unhappy, unfulfilled whatever ; is a moment that you are missing out on the best thing you have that moment. Now this is not going to take away sadness or anything serious but it has the potentiality of changing everything your future holds the greatest gifts you have ever dreamed of if you just keep moving forward, does it matter if you make it? 

I’d say no! What matters is the way you arrive, with a happy open heart. So yes no matter what keep moving forward, not by having to push, or pull and fight, but because of your magic! Because you have a lightened heart . . . not because you are inherently happy but because you choose to be happy, you choose to accept the cards your dealt and keep pushing forward, try it and you will see there is more happy faces on the way when you’re smiling than when you’re not!

So the concepts that made me think of this all was one from a quote from Walt Disney, which was used in the movie “Meet the Robinsons” -  Walt Disney “Around here, however, we don't look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we're curious...and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.”

The second comes from a video I watch almost every day and never did it sink in until today, the author Unknown says: you can’t connect the dots looking forward, you just have to believe that somehow they will and they do looking back you’ll see!.

That doesn’t mean that life suddenly jumped around and all’s well? Not at the least but I feel for the first time in a long time, that everything is going to be better because I decide that I will see everything in a better light, to make the choice because I want to follow the path of discovery and new things new magic and wonderful places because I believe that it is out there and in here!

I hope that perhaps this message makes sense to someone else and that it may have the same effect on someone out there same as it had on me! If you have a similar story or a different story that you believe will touch someone’s perhaps somewhere share it please and perhaps with our sharing our thoughts and stories we might even change someone’s world. Good night!

Friday, January 29, 2016

Hello World! A refreshed welcome to all!

Hello World, as you probably have noticed I am not actually that new to the whole sphere of online discussions and hello’s (Who is?). This is a refreshed venture one that has only one goal; sharing some hope, if I can, making a difference and in essence talking to myself as well. Yes I talk from a lot of reading and guides and self-help tapes but sometimes all that goes away, and one forgets where you are and if you force yourself to tell people about the amazing wonder in and around every single life on this planet, it brings it all home again and so I set my sights on this journey as I work through some interesting mind ware. Perhaps for you? Perhaps not. I don’t mind, if I can help bring a small message to some amazing special person (Which we all are) somewhere in the digital universe I would have accomplished my goal!

So let’s start this journey at the beginning with a statement of our own inner magic, I believe that we human beings and aliens if you believe yourself to be one can do and achieve whatever we believe we can! Now off course I don’t believe you can grow wings and fly off into the sunset! But I do believe that you can make wings build them attach them to yourself and through constant and never ending attention to your dream fly off into the sunset!

Why is there so little belief left in the world, what made us unbelievers in our dreams? What stole our destinies? We did! Sad but true. How do I dare say that, well its true; I am not sure if you’ve hear the story before and I’m not sure where it came from but it is as follows: A baby circus elephant was tied to a peg in the ground, outside the circus tent, it struggled and tried to get loose but just couldn’t. As time went by the elephant grew much larger and still tied to the same peg, it has no will to fight it anymore. The elephant powerful as it is has become conditioned to the state of entrapment. The animal has been programmed to be content with its situation. 

As strong and powerful as it is it has forgotten about the possibility of even getting free. That is what happened to us we have through our lives been told, you can’t do this you can’t do that we’ve failed and let our own failures instead of teaching us how not to do something teach us that we can’t do something and that in itself is enough to make us stop! Well let’s stop stopping and start moving!
Where will we start, how will we undo this thing we’ve allowed ourselves to fall victim to? By believing different than what we’ve believed before, by telling ourselves daily; that we can and will; and want to do it; that we dream big again and that we begin to stop trying to make a living and start living a life worth living. Well that sounds pretty impressive up to the point where you ask yourself well how then??

Now I know as well as the next guy that saying I am awesome a million times aren’t going to get me well built so why use affirmations! But think of it this way, our minds for example only please is conditioned to think that; I am not built well, I am lazy and I am not worth much! So When I start telling myself with affirmations I am slowly working against what the world has taught me. Why not and to trick the subconscious on this little starter!!! 

Make it compelling; write it done on a piece of paper and say it as it is in the present tense (Who wants to be well liked and successful next year!) I don’t I want to start today. So do your affirmations the same! Is it going to change your life in an instance? 

No, but what I have noticed in my own mind that as soon as I start telling my mind what I want in the present it starts thinking “ Oh No the boss wants this how can we get it for him” So weather its good or bad your mind is obliged to act on it and provide in thoughts. So it drives your mind to see the opportunities it wouldn’t have whilst it was still in Down-Ville.

So with that said lets close for this week go look at what you put into your mind not only by affirmation’s but by everything self-focus, self-speak, self-questioning all things we will look at in the coming weeks as we walk together on making things great again What do you say. . .

I’m going to go and do some affirmations of my own!! Until the next post.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Dont scream in silence live in sunshine

There is not many things that get me going yeah lots of people always perceive me as a very positive person and I always try to think positive but I don't I am also human I also have very high expectations for myself BUT I TRY HARD not to get negative and not too loose faith in myself and in the goodness all around I try and keep my calm but it just isn't always possible there will always be something working on the nerves trying to break your speed, uncontrolled injuries (My Current Dilemma). . .

So what is there to do I guess what has worked the best for me is to have the positive words seared into my brain so even when I get negative and even when i get down or frustrated my mind immediately start listening to the guru's tape and books I've read "change your attitude" and "what does this really mean is it really that bad to react in such a way" or perhaps "what can be done to change the outcome of this situation" things I've read over and over flooded my brain with good thoughts happy quotes and techniques to overcome these hard days. . .

So Okay after a bit of mumbling what I am trying to say is that if you pursue the route you wish to be on no matter what happens it starts to become you so if you want to be positive engage yourself in the positive fill your mind with good things think up good things and remember like Zig Ziglar (RIP)  used to say "motivation is like bathing you have to continue doing it" and the more you do it the easier it becomes form a habit of it and when it really gets bad think it through practice to remove yourself from what ever it is and work it out in your mind that's the most amazing thing we can all do is look at it from the outside it is hard and you know in my case I am not always satisfied with how I look at it but after some though it becomes clear that the way you should treat the negatives according to your perception of who you want to be is generally the better way out hard as it may seem. . .  at the moment. .

I know I deal with influxes of negative emotions and have to consciously decide that it will not define me If I complain out loud I immediately think hell I need to change the outcome or at least my attitude and get right back at it. . .so go out live life the way you should live it . . .I even smile at myself at my worst moments as a last resort and even such a small gesture in the face of total depressive relapse might be just what is needed to drag your though process back into the right direction. . .

Move on don't let anything outside of your own choice ever define your destiny for you don't be a passenger be the driver of life your life If I can try each day anyone can . . .and if you see some one struggling try and help it helps to help as well . . .

Sunday, March 17, 2013

The key to your dreams

Hi everyone so I have been in and out of posting then not posting for quite some time now and I must admit I do enjoy posting it feels that I can make a little difference if however minute in some ones life (even if they laugh at my grammar ) that I have some how fulfilled one of my lives desires to be kind and aid in what ever I can I don't have loads of money to spend nor loads of time to give so hopefully I can share of the great things I either read or happened to think on . . .

So I have a very small message to share to the world today one I am sure I read somewhere or just made the assumption of it from the goods I have read in the past few books. . .

The Main Key to success in my mind is very simple it is so simple that we essentially all know what it is . . .It is the core fact that if you know where you want to be your mind will find a way there yes you know what to do more of how to learn and change and change your approach everything is known to us we where all born into it but like a great company slogan I read said "It begins with me" essentially I take the meaning that all your dreams all your hopes and your wishes depend on only one thing you or in my case me and that is how easy it is all you need to do is put in all the things you think of and all your effort and you will get there . . .

Like the guru's say to be the best you have to give your all! If it is important enough for you you will pu in everything you can and everything you put in time, effort, study, perseverance and I can go on and on we all know its what we put in that we will get out!

So go out there and without fail push further and do more and achieve your destiny the one you sought so dearly let nothing stand in your way (My favorite movie quite "Surfs Up") winners don't give up they find a way. . .Let the clouds breathe your name stand tall beyond the stars and take hold of your life drive it forward be more be worth more as you know we are able to do!

Saturday, February 2, 2013


Hello successful people, I have a short little message today vision not what your vision is or how you envision it but what your mind eye sees. . .All the success coaches always say envision it have a clear picture in your head and loads of times I heard it but never have I actually engaged myself in seeing the true outcome. .I let your imagination run and see IT in your mind let your mind create the circumstances you want in your life and let your sub conscious work on it dream it while you are awake view it over and over in your mind the way you want to look the car you want to drive the house you want to live in the people you want to be around everything play it in your mind make a clear picture and then make sure you set your plan in motion plan it on paper plan it out work it out and achieve it!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

My Reflection of the past year

When in review what can I say it has been a year of new experiences some was very negative, and some not so much some good some bad some exciting and some just not even worth thinking about. . . The year had its massive ups and some even bigger downs. . Some so down that I now firmly believe that without grace it could have turned out quite different . . .

So in reflecting on the year the highlights at first glance seemed slightly overshadowed by some serious happenings yet: I made more money in one month than ever before although this year has been my lowest earning year in about three to four years , and yes that ads up unfortunately. I am working very hard to change that for the New Year. . .

I learned a couple of big things the past year not all positive yet still very valuable lessons, I learned that I can sustain myself on my own from my own with some effort, I learned that there is very few people who you can really rely on but they will quickly show you who  they are, I learned that having a positive outlook on even the worst of things can change the outcome for yourself, I learned that the world stands still for no one or nothing and many more little things and bigger things but let’s get down to the year. .

What I've lost a bit in the past year . . . it’s what at the core makes it seem like such a bad year however I am still here and that for itself is something to be very grateful for. . The forever that was promised to me was quickly forgotten to my dismay for another’s  companionship however I have been feeling it for some time, I lost having the dearest two pieces of my heart around me every day, I lost the use of part of my back however by grace it will be erased,  I lost some hero’s, I lost more than just a few fake friends, I lost everything I built up for the past 10 years, I lost faith in humanity however I found it again, I lost my appetite for sugar, I lost my car, I lost the son that wasn't mine by his own choice. . .I lost my future and our destiny I lost the planned out life I dream about, I lost a few family members, I lost some weight, I lost some keys a little money some respect and more than just a few hours in time, I lost a bit of reality. .but what comes next makes it all seem so small like the wise men always say never let the past control your future. . .  

But after the losses I found things that were much bigger than the things I have lost I have found a spark in my soul, and a new spirit to live on and go for more. I found a new light where there was before just darkness and unhappiness, I found power within where there were none before I found a piece of myself that just keeps moving forward no matter what, through hardships and heartache, I found caring people where I never thought I would, I found opportunity in loss, I found invaluable knowledge, I found my bodies strength through its hardship. . I found salvation through perseverance, I found a new destiny, I found a new future I found that those who truly matter will stand up when it really matters, I found greatness in those who seemed weak, I found myself new and I found myself driven . . . I found bonds that cannot be broken by the wrongs of others, I found happiness inside . . . I found my bottom and started climbing right back. .

So after all it has been a massive year but the more I reflect on it the better it becomes definitely one that will for ever be imprinted in my brain, one I shall not easily forget but for the lessons and not the neglect. .
I look forward to a new year a year that is more than just filled with promise but a year that is filled with happiness joy and more of the good I look forward to touching my dreams and holding hands with destiny. . 

I look forward to receiving more and giving even more I look forward to living more and learning more I look forward to being surprised and being amazed I look forward to health and wealth, friendship and fantasy all coming true for I look forward mostly to live in my dreams and be who I have always intended to be I look forward to helping those in need and making a difference I look forward to every day and every moment that comes my way I look forward to every breath and every second I look forward to another year of life. . .

Monday, December 17, 2012

Make your own destiny by fueling your dreams. . .

So who am I to claim any success or even give advise on anything about success, I have to admit I am not the guru who sells tapes and I have no profitable mass business that is worldwide, I have some experience in being part of the universe for a while I have all my limb by the grace of God, I have some income and a roof over my head. . just an average Joe with some big dreams. . .So why am I so honest today? cause I feel I have to to share some motivation. I have worked hard all my life and attained some level of success and due to some unimaginable circumstances lost almost everything. By the Grace of God again I breathe every morning and health is still on my side I have been retrenched check lost my family check lost most of my possessions check and I am slowly building everything up again and even though I was down in the dumps for about 6 to 7 months I have never lost faith, completely I have lost some faith but not all of it.

One thing that I have learned in this process reflecting back on it there is negatives that come up like peoples for ever is not very long, and those who you thought you could trust is possibly the ones that will harm you the most and I can go on on a negative trend for another couple of pages but I found some solitude in focusing on new things finding new ways getting to know yourself from the bottom up. Yes I guess we all have some ugliness inside ourselves and I suppose you have to find that too. It took me some time to feel alive again to feel again and to trust again to some extent and a few pertinent things came up.

Explore your life find your dreams and live for it, life is too short and filled with too much sadness to focus on  but if you have a little light a dream a destination something that will make you happy and keep you healthy you should with all your power invest in it live for it and do it!

at first it was hard to do anything everyone seemed like an enemy so delved into the self got some good self help medicine ie Brian Tracey and Tony Robins and some (RIP) Zig Ziglar meds also did quite a bit. .

I decided to focus on nothing negative, just keep looking for the good in everything and if it/or them/or they persist on being negative cut them out stop the thought process of negatives . . .yeah it is hard especially if your hearts on the floor and your heads in the dark but with a little bit of effort you get through it and looking back its not that bad. . .as the future looks so good that what ever happened in the past is no reflection of what can happen in the future unless you allow it too affect it. . .So I decided to push onward forget what happened forget what others did and forge my own way, stop being afraid of what you can achieve stop stopping your own success stop reflecting on what can go wrong but rather what can go on, do whatever you can to lift yourself higher after all I am still young and have the opportunity to make something massive of the years I have left and I intend to, and so should you. . .There is nothing that can stop you from achieving your life's destiny but life itself and I would rather die trying than just wait around for the dying part. .

There is so much more opportunities now than there was ten years ago yeah the global finance issues and this and that forget about it, focus on the positive work around yourself improve your worth make a difference change not only your world but the world of all those around you. . .Like one of my customers reflected It begins with you. . .everything begins with you. . .I have been searching and looking for answers and secrets and changes and what ever you can think of to change my life from a semi sad broken soul to an achiever and I found it in a simple pure form and not through research or any special missions but simply by doing your best, being the best you can be (however cliche that may sound) it does boil down to expecting the best of yourself and treating everything that revolves around you in the same way, give your life your all give don't just expect the best from everyone else but begin with yourself push yourself to do more be more and mean more to everyone. . It is hard be honest to yourself your peers your kids everyone . . .and you will start to notice some massive differences in your world things will start to change.

Every day I work on making things better than the day before, I fail a lot of the time but I keep trying and even though I fail and falter it is great as at least i try and I learn, I improve i become more I mean more and I am sure I will earn more and more and not just money respect is earned love is earned, kindness goes a long way happiness is a state of mind and if you keep on improving you will feel the happiness of achieving things you never wanted to do but now do with ease life gets better even in hard times. . .adjust your attitude to find real altitude be remarkable in everything you do and if you fail. . .So what you have another chance to do it again and again and again until you get it right the way you want it to be done. . .So I hope this massive long post has some value honestly your Me. . .